Monday 19 March 2012

Nostalgia – World wide?

After a super long week… which, by the way, I never ever thought would be over… it finally came to an end. I wouldn’t say this week flew by, however it is not the toughest one I had yet! First of all, an assignment for a business course (business 237 – Information Systems in Business) has been pushed back by one week. That totally made my week a lot better!

Anyways, that is not the important point.

What has made my day is that I had a chance to webcam with my cousin in China. I have not seen him in 5 years and seeing him again today… digitally of course has made me feel, there are still people waiting to see me, waiting for my assistance in their world.

If there is one thing that can make me cry… well it is family. Seeing them on webcam today makes me feel so blessed. Blessed that I have such a big family and that I am appreciated whenever I go visit them. They have been so kind to me and my family. It is really really nice to have family like that.
When you are reading this, you might say well this is such a cheezy post! Sorry for the cheeze bomb everyone! However, I felt like this is something I needed to quickly jot down or else I will forget and take my family for granted!!

And when I say family, I mean everyone! From everyone in China, Hong kong, UK! :) I honestly miss all of you and would wish for a family reunion Someday! Hahaha

Until next time,
Exxquisitexo <3


  1. When I first came to US. I was homesick too..
    I missed my family back home but after Mr.Freddy
    my world has changed... he keeps me busy and
    that I wasn't feeling homesick anymore.

    Thank you for following dear. I'm now following
    you back on GFC. See you around.

  2. P.S. I followed you last night, dear.
    And I subscribed your blog via email too!

    Looking forward to see you in my next blog post
    and in the future.
    Take care!

    1. Thank you so much! This means alot to me. Honestly!!!

  3. Hey girl i want to follow you back but i don't find the follow button on your blog :/

    Stay Luxury

    1. Oh really? Hmm.. I am still new with blogspot.. so I am not sure what is wrong D: Is it something on my settings?!

  4. Oh I understand you completely! :)
    Amazing post, full of heart! Follow u!

  5. Hi pretty girl,
    Thank you for your lovely comment :)
    Great DIY accesories video!
    Of course, follow you right now! I hope you can follow me back :)

